“Trouble’s afoot”, said my girl to me. I asked her the problem, So she took me to see.
The trouble was big, Double that of an ‘ig’; That’s a new word for you (…and for me too), It’s an Eskimo’s house… without a loo! The trouble being double that of an ‘ig’, I realized the trouble was really very big.
The cops were called, As also the firemen, To witness the solution, To the big problem. The problem being the trouble, And the trouble was a stubble, … on a soap bubble.
Bathers felt the poke, And found it no joke, When they went to stroke … the soap bubble; Coz the stubble on the bubble caused double trouble.
So feel the stubble rough, Coz it ain’t so tough, And if u call my bluff, Don’t walk off in a huff, Take it lightly and laugh at the stuff!
Written largely during my teens (Nostalgia 87-91)