Find the Hindi songs from the whacky translations-transliterations below:
Pun'stakingly Prepared Punny Puzzles:
Hindi songs transcribed with whacky translations-transliterations.
If u pick on translation/ transliteration nuances, then this is not for you. Remember that I carry the poetic license 😛. I certainly enjoyed making these and was giggling away while composing them. Finally, I must congratulate all those that solved these, despite the random translations 😃.
O endless Rachel ore E you agree bath bathroom musical birds love only you say have done.
Ache fight did also clarified butter share E seesaw tea Egyptian god actress Marisa go clarified butter like mill took ache stranger say any fire gay not peach hey you hic a Santa laugh Shakespearean you is any bath.
Headless hark Santa laugh may what G rue first double later side in what respectfully someone's twice come walk make slang yes G A when see ships base walk.
Madman slang French tea this mouse filler during speech didn't give paternal aunt pajama string yeah action hero Jackie walk yes wow.
Short laugh wow hair eight seven loss hair body son go like thee come.
Oh Mr Satyajit bald head got take not give of burn may not give got take like in house like house mill lake own like water main any go Shakespearean no no.
Loss song flipped with a gun including quality trait in the midst of an endless Akbar's father coming twice.
You can verify your answers to the above at the link below,
Sunday Song Solutions