Find the Hindi songs from the whacky translations-transliterations below:
Pun'stakingly Prepared Punny Puzzles:
Hindi songs transcribed with whacky translations-transliterations.
If u pick on translation/ transliteration nuances, then this is not for you. Remember that I carry the poetic license 😛. I certainly enjoyed making these and was giggling away while composing them. Finally, I must congratulate all those that solved these, despite the random translations 😃.
Famous road in Versova stretched bloodcurdling sound agree female horse came arm heel life.
Time goddess is loss must bubbly come half the sound while rowing blocked mouth-th on coming shit 'em thrice.
Tablet mother cry send whatever Gujarati may send go shore does send hero shroff (if) listen soldier-athlete-rebel second and third notes twice blackie mother.
Give knee yes in take go to colloquial stick for washing clothes of also gardening instrument goes.
Sweetheart spit sound now at least come. Shawl Assam blind half actor Menon eyes dirty smell go go. Water storage flames body gave become with Marathi mother sing neck hurt come.
Repeatedly laugh say buddy yes respected you personal tea gardening instrument respected their necklace yes any with us victory measure Gujarati come.
Heart Muslim pilgrimage site worker ape u car twice love car fire Gujarati what no ray.
You can verify your answers to the above at the link below,
Sunday Song Solutions