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  • Writer's pictureFarhad Merchant

Waiting for the light!

Updated: Jun 12, 2023

The days run into weeks,

The flowers do bloom.

The kitchen sink leaks,

While I'm stuck on zoom.

The blooming of flowers,

The sights that we're seeing.

The minutes lost in hours,

The solace of mind fleeing.

Seeing all with eyes shut,

Nature staking it's claim.

The world is in a different rut,

Yet some things stay the same.

Nature will take its course,

This too shall pass, I hope.

We'll pick peace over force,

I've conditioned my mind to cope.

Yet "hope" awaits it's fate,

As it continues its fight,

Thro the day & the night,

To make its wrongs right.

While with patience I wait

I wait for the light!

In this style of poetry I've connected the second line of every stanza, to the first line of the following stanza.

Only in darkness, can you see the light! -FM

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